HQ: 704-765-2183
Community Solutions
- At our core A-PLUS is an innovation and solutions company. Our innovation footlocker contains innovations and ideas waiting to solve systemic and difficult problems. We seek challenges and solve the difficult and the seemingly impossible.
We partner with communities looking for transformative and sustained economic growth
We have converted several of our innovations in services provided through monthly, semi-annual, and annual subscriptions.
We provide our proprietary yet holistic technology solutions and business practices that contribute to the Body of Knowledge (BoK) for several industries.
The CBI is the only future-proof telecommunications solution in existence today. The CBI is both a business model and a telecommunications infrastructure architecture capable of closing the digital divide in unserved, underserved, and rural communities AND developing nations.
Don't have R&D in your company. A-PLUS can bring its own talent along with talent from the best Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) through joint patent and licensing services.
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